Monday, December 27, 2010
Scraps From Under the Cutting Table
The last thing that anyone who knows me can call me, is organized. But I keep trying to keep chaos under control. To this end, I keep a small basket under my cutting table to keep project leftovers in, you know, the pieces too small to go back into my fabric cupboards.
That little basket has been full to over flowing for a few months, so yesterday I decided to dump it and begin cutting. Please note: this is not one of my favorite things to do. I get bored with it and being the old lady that I am, my knees start to ache from standing. But start I did. No, I didn't get very far but I left it on the cutting table so I will get back to it today. I spent most of yesterday avoiding it by quilting a bit and working on the computer. Well, yes, I did do a lot of eating, also, especially the leftover Christmas cookies.
A late Merry Christmas, Jo!
ReplyDeleteHave you been to the Quiltville website? Bonnie Hunter has a scrapsavers system for dealing with the leftovers that is wonderful. I started doing this and have semi-organized scraps now. My stash is still way too big and lots of it needed to be cut into squares and rectangles and strips for future use. While you are there, check out her "leader, Ender" use of those pieces that are already starts on quilts.