I did it, I did it, I did it! I made the decision!
I love the blocks and I think a big quilt would be outstanding but I have way too many projects started so this quilt is only going to be nine squares big! I have them all sewn together and have started quilting a cable in the sashing. I can’t wait to get it done and wash out all the blue lines to see what the final result will look like.
Now, while I have a nice quilting project to work on I also like to have a piecing project. So what was it going to be? Well, in that pile of stuff in front of the closet I found a little pink plastic box. In that little pink plastic box I found a bunch of 4-patches. And also some that were not yet completed. I guess this is going to be my piecing project. Wonder what I can do with them. Mmmmmmmm!

So when do you think I acquired those fabrics? Well, to the best of my recollection it was sometime between the years 1987 and 1997. Evidently, I signed up for 5” squares to be sent to me each month. (None of them are out of any fabric that I've ever bought.)
I started making the 4-patches back then but finally just put the squares in the box each month. I think it was a year or two ago that I ran across the box again and cut the rest of the squares in half, sewed them together, cut again and made them into more 4-patches. As the picture shows, I didn’t get them all done before the box got put away once more. This time I’m going to stick with it. I will state that it was one of the worst jobs of cutting I have seen in a while. It will surprise me if I don’t have some troubles somewhere along the line.
Now that you know what I’m working on, let me know what you’re doing. Jo